
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are officially on week 4 and have less than 2 week left of our training time here in Gainesville. It definitely has not been all Roses and sunshine (especially the sunshine part), but as I have started to settle into the life of porta potties and sleeping in tents I have realized that the Lord means what he says when he promises us that he will never leave us. 


Deuteronomy 31:8  

the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.  


He also promises that He will go before you. God knows what you are going to walk through, all your thoughts, doubts, struggles, and insecurities way before you ever get there. nothing ever takes Him by surprise. He is always there waiting for you, you just have to turn to Him and seek Him first. 


This morning during one of our sessions the person that was talking began to talk about ambassadors. He explained an ambassador keeps a card in his pocket at all times that says he is an ambassador of a certain country and that he can not pay a penalty for any law that He might break. When an ambassador comes to the US and breaks the law he gets off scott free. Just like everyone that has been saved through Christ never has to pay a penalty for their sins and all are ambassadors for Christ because He has paid the full penalty! 


on Sunday I was listening to a passion podcast by Louie Giglio and it talked about realigning your thoughts with God’s thoughts. It gave seven steps on how to begin to practically live this out and a bible verse to go with each. 


  1. I am in God’s story (Jeremiah 29:11) 
  2. I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made (psalms 139:13-14)
  3. My life has purpose (Ephesians 2:10) 
  4. The cross has the final word (2 Corinthians 5:17) 
  5. I serve at the pleasure of the King (1 peter 2:9) 
  6. Jesus is Lord and Jesus is my Lord (Philippians 2:9-11)
  7. My God turns evil into good (Romans 8:28) 


Number five really stuck out to me and he said “we are dispatched by the Holy Spirit on kingdom assignments to be a light in a darkened world so others can see Jesus”. How cool is that. All those that have accepted Christ as their savior are here with a kingdom assignment (aka we are ambassadors) to tell others about Jesus death on the cross and the salvation that comes through that!


So while its been pouring rain the past 3 days and will continue to pour, my prayer is that God continues to show each one of his children that he goes before them and has a purpose for their life and that we get to serve our king with joy. 

14 responses to “Ambassadors for Christ”

  1. Hey praying for you these rainy days . I always struggle especially when it rains serval days in a row and I can’t quite imagine being in a tent ?? . Love you and such good words you wrote ! ??

  2. Proud of you.

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass
    It’s about learning to dance in the rain

    Your awesome

  3. I love hearing you talk about the things God lays on your heart, and seeing Him shine through you! Love you and miss you so so much!!

  4. You are wise beyond your years! Continued prayers for SONshine through the rain! Love you!